In this episode Brittnie addresses common limiting beliefs around pricing for photography businesses. She debunks these beliefs by highlighting her own experiences and encourages listeners to value their work and not undervalue themselves. She discusses the importance of attracting the right clients, offers insights on setting prices, and shares her perspective on the dynamics of […]
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and constantly scrambling to meet deadlines, then you are not alone! Despite your efforts to prioritize tasks and stay organized, you may find yourself struggling to effectively manage your time. Instead of the increased productivity and better work-life balance you desire, you may be experiencing mounting stress and a never-ending to-do […]
As photography business owners we have a hard time shutting down and resting. We do not rest enough and it’s deteriorating us as a society and as humans. We can’t mentally process our experiences without rest. We need idle time in order to function to our best ability and stillness is not something we prioritize. […]
Being vulnerable, honest, and transparent in your business can actually make you more successful. If you don’t believe me, I’m on a mission to convince you otherwise. I promise you, the way you run your business is going to lead to how successful it is. It’s not your images. Yes, of course, your work needs […]
Are you feeling burnt out or uninspired with your work? Are you on the verge of wanting to quit? That’s a super common issue with those of us who own creative businesses, especially when it requires serving other people. With the fall season quickly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to discuss […]
In this episode of Capture The Chaos: Grow Your Newborn & Family Photography Business we’re getting down and dirty talking about how fear and imposter syndrome may be keeping you from growing in your business. I give you 5 attainable tips to help shake the fear and take the next steps in your photography business. […]